Into Battle
by Winston S. Churchill
English | EPUB | 4.3 MB
by Winston S. Churchill
English | EPUB | 4.3 MB
Winston Churchill's reputation still looms large in the canon of twentieth-century history-as a war leader, orator, and pillar of strength for Britain in the years of struggle against Hitler. Churchill's inspiring wartime speeches gave the British hope and comfort during years of bombings, violence, sacrifice, and terror.This compilation, composed of speeches made from 1938 to the end of 1940, contains some of his best. Highlights include "This was Their Finest Hour;" "Never in the Field of Human Conflict Was So Much Owed, By So Many, to So Few;" and "I Have Nothing to Offer but Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat." Even many decades after the end of the war, Churchill's words still have the power to stir the blood-and inspire the heart.