Erik Seifert - Core (2009)

Posted By: gribovar
Erik Seifert - Core (2009)

Erik Seifert - Core (2009)
EAC Rip | FLAC (tracks+.cue+log) - 413 MB | MP3 CBR 320 kbps (LAME 3.93) - 177 MB | Covers - 159 MB
Genre: Progressive Electronic, Berlin School | RAR 3% Rec. | Label: Pleasure Sound Music (PSCD-6469-01)

This CD from 2009 offers 75 minutes of intellectually stimulating electronic music. The focus of these compositions is CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) and their work with particle accelerators. Using crystalline electronics in conjunction with snappy e-perc, Seifert has done a superb job capturing the soul of these scientific apparatus. The tunes (each one dealing with different machines) evoke sophisticated equipment in tandem with mankind's thirst for quantum knowledge. The electronics are smooth and slick. Dreamy texturals establish lush backdrops that serve as platforms for electronics that glisten with chromium luster. Clever mechanical traces exist as auxiliary expressions amid an undulating bevy of very accessible melodies. While retaining a celestial quality, the main electronics exemplify a tasty balance of deep technology and sincere humanity - meaning they will appeal to technocrats while not suffering a lack of emotion.
The gist of these melodies are generated using keyboards in a pleasant manner, producing riffs that flow with gentle energy. Diverse sonic threads are established and coaxed to blend as the tunes progress, resulting in appealing tapestries. The percussion is sultry and pursues serpentine tempos which provide the music with cerebral locomotion. Remaining submerged in the mix, these rhythms are never too obtrusive that they overwhelm the songs. This music's pace is generally relaxed and devoid of harsh elements. Central themes are achieved swiftly, then toyed with via variations, keeping the tunes fresh and engaging.
01. LHC (Large Hedron Collider)
02. ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment)
03. ISOLDE (Isotope On-Line Detector)
04. AD (Antiproton Decelerator)
05. SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron)
06. ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus)
07. Wunderwerk (Trancer Spacy Remix)

Total time: 01:15:28

Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 4 from 7. December 2014

EAC extraction logfile from 13. February 2015, 15:17

Erik Seifert / Core

Used drive : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-608CU Adapter: 1 ID: 0

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 48
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling : Appended to previous track

Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 1024 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : ..\..\codecs\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -T "comment=Ripped by Synthrex for" -8 -V %source%

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 12:44.04 | 0 | 57303
2 | 12:44.04 | 9:15.63 | 57304 | 98991
3 | 21:59.67 | 11:26.35 | 98992 | 150476
4 | 33:26.27 | 11:26.71 | 150477 | 201997
5 | 44:53.23 | 9:32.01 | 201998 | 244898
6 | 54:25.24 | 11:37.07 | 244899 | 297180
7 | 66:02.31 | 9:25.33 | 297181 | 339588

Track 1

Filename C:\Erik Seifert - (2009) - Core\01.LHC (Large Hedron Collider).wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00

Peak level 95.1 %
Extraction speed 3.4 X
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC BE3A66D1
Copy CRC BE3A66D1
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK

Track 2

Filename C:\Erik Seifert - (2009) - Core\02.ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment).wav

Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 4.0 X
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 1023FB18
Copy CRC 1023FB18
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK

Track 3

Filename C:\Erik Seifert - (2009) - Core\03.ISOLDE (Isotope On-Line Detector).wav

Peak level 89.1 %
Extraction speed 4.5 X
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 4E1C274D
Copy CRC 4E1C274D
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK

Track 4

Filename C:\Erik Seifert - (2009) - Core\04.AD (Antiproton Decelerator).wav

Peak level 97.9 %
Extraction speed 5.0 X
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 08F2D6C9
Copy CRC 08F2D6C9
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK

Track 5

Filename C:\Erik Seifert - (2009) - Core\05.SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron).wav

Peak level 92.6 %
Extraction speed 4.9 X
Track quality 99.9 %
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK

Track 6

Filename C:\Erik Seifert - (2009) - Core\06.ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus).wav

Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 5.8 X
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 0A435A77
Copy CRC 0A435A77
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK

Track 7

Filename C:\Erik Seifert - (2009) - Core\07.Wunderwerk (Trancer Spacy Remix).wav

Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 6.0 X
Track quality 100.0 %
Test CRC 45C953D6
Copy CRC 45C953D6
Track not present in AccurateRip database
Copy OK

None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database

No errors occurred

End of status report

–– CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.6

[CTDB TOCID: Oek6lU0V4SgDy3uj3t8vXumDGcM-] found
Submit result: Oek6lU0V4SgDy3uj3t8vXumDGcM- has been confirmed
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
2 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
3 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
4 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
5 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
6 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
7 | (1/1) Accurately ripped

==== Log checksum 9DFCA0CF26D8D5257AB13ACF16E8D32AC51D70CC11D579A5AD6AFBE180B54DB2 ====

[CUETools log; Date: 27.01.2023 19:51:43; Version: 2.1.4]
[CTDB TOCID: Oek6lU0V4SgDy3uj3t8vXumDGcM-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (9/9) Accurately ripped
2 | (9/9) Accurately ripped
3 | (9/9) Accurately ripped
4 | (9/9) Accurately ripped
5 | (9/9) Accurately ripped
6 | (9/9) Accurately ripped
7 | (9/9) Accurately ripped
[AccurateRip ID: 00153768-007e7e40-6411af07] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [967b70f0|2a3cac4c] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
02 [3a8497ab|c5b6225c] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
03 [f7c9410b|f1c344e7] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
04 [ab8cefd5|ceb0476e] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
05 [e37f8bb9|5ad56fbf] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
06 [505bb0c8|db11e422] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
07 [4eaf3cc1|7fbf4ed9] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped

Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
– 99,9 [0EF01EC1] [36F31024]
01 95,1 [BE3A66D1] [9AA58479] CRC32
02 99,9 [1023FB18] [64F7C3F7] CRC32
03 89,1 [4E1C274D] [F1AAE272] CRC32
04 97,9 [08F2D6C9] [985C5C42] CRC32
05 92,6 [AAF7DBEE] [5B5CCA85] CRC32
06 99,9 [0A435A77] [50DC4B27] CRC32
07 99,9 [45C953D6] [0F63C74A] CRC32

Thanks to Synthrex