Nicholas McGegan, Lorraine Hunt, David Bowles - Bach: Clavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach (1991)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Nicholas McGegan, Lorraine Hunt, David Bowles - Bach: Clavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach (1991)

Nicholas McGegan, Lorraine Hunt, David Bowles - Bach: Clavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach (1991)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 361 Mb | Total time: 74:20 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Harmonia Mundi | # HMU 907042 | Recorded: 1990

We can readily imagine with what modest pride the 40-year-old Bach presented his second wife Anna Magdalena with this most delightful of all domestic scrapbooks. Bach himself started it off for her with two of the keyboard Partitas (A minor, BWV827 and E minor, BWV930) which later formed part of the collection published as the composer's Op. 1 in 1731. Thereafter it was up to Anna Magdalena herself to choose and to enter little compositions which made particular appeal. Not all the music by any means is by her husband and there are pieces for example by Couperin, Bohm, Stolzel, Hasse and her stepson Carl Philipp Emanuel as well as several by anonymous composers. Many if not all these pieces were probably family favourites and were doubtless performed by the various members of the Bach household—a redoubtable ensemble if ever there was.
Nicholas McGegan, and Lorraine Hunt with David Bowles have taken full advantage of the generous durations afforded by CD technology and offer a programme considerably more representative of Anna Magdalena's taste than was ever possible within the confines of a single LP. This is a well planned programme which, though omitting the two Partitas—an understandable decision since performances of these are frequent and plentiful—includes over half the number of pieces in the Music Book. Connoisseurs of this enchanting anthology will be reassured to know that almost all of the most priceless jewels are included, among them the aria on which the Goldberg Variations are based, the aria ''Schlummert ein'' from BWV82, the Prelude in C major from Book 1 of the 48, Couperin's B flat Rondeau from the sixth Ordre, the French Suite in D minor (BWV812) and the three movements which Anna Magdalena copied from the French Suite in C minor (BWV813), the fine harmonization of the hymn Wer nur den liebe Gott lasst walten, Stolzel's aria Bist du bein mir and the anonymous but affecting aria Gedenke doch, mein Geist.
All this and much else besides is very sensitively performed. Lorraine Hunt gives a beautifully restrained and expressive account of Schlummert ein; perhaps it was a shade too slow but better that by far than driving the tempo too hard. Gedenke doch, a sacred Lied comes over well, too. My only complaint with this item is that it is far too short. Anna Magdalena copied only one verse but there must surely have been others. I enjoyed in equal measure McGegan's harpsichord and clavichord playing. Nothing is hurried and rhythms, though taut have an elasticity which allows the music to breathe. The Couperin Rondeau, a particularly happy choice on Anna Magdalena's part, benefits enormously from McGegan's leisurely and eloquent playing as does the famous C major Prelude from Book 1 of the 48.
In summary, an attractive programme performed with affection and a good sense of style. The booklet contains the texts of the vocal items in German, English and French and there is a fine accompanying essay by the Bach scholar, Georg von Dadelsen who edited the Anna Magdalena Clavierbuchlein for Barenreiter in 1959.'
–Nicholas Anderson

Lorraine Hunt, soprano
Nicholas McGegan, harpsichord & clavicord
David Bowles, baroque cello

Track List:
French Suite N° 1 In D, BWV 812 (1-2-3-4-5)
01. Allemande
02. Courante
03. Sarabande
04. Minuet I & II
05. Gigue
06. Aria "Bist Du Bi Mir BWV 508
07. Aria, "Willst Du Mein Herz Mir Schenken", BWV 518
08. Solo Per Il Cembalo
09. Polonaise In G Minor
10. March In D Major [C. P. E. Bach]
11. March In E-Flat Major
12. Rondeau [François Couperin]
13. Chorale, "Wer Nur Den Liebe Gott Lässt Walten", BWV 691
14. "Goldberg" Variations: Aria
15. Recitative, "Ich Habe Genug"
16. Aria, "Schlummert Ein"
17. Aria, "Gedenke Doch, Mein Geist"
French Suite N° 2 In C, BWV 813, 1-3 (18-19-20)
18. Allemande
19. Courante
20. Sarabande
21. Prélude N) 1 (From The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1)
22. Polonaise In G Major
23. Polonaise In D Minor
24. Polonaise In G Minor
25. Polonaise In Fa Major
26. Two Minuets
27. Musette In A
28. "Menuet Fait Par M. Böhm"
29. Minuet In G Major

Exact Audio Copy V1.5 from 20. February 2020

EAC extraction logfile from 1. January 2021, 10:39

Nicholas McGegan, Lorraine Hunt, David Bowles / Clavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach (a selection)

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Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

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TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.33 | 3:28.40 | 33 | 15672
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9 | 25:12.48 | 1:56.15 | 113448 | 122162
10 | 27:08.63 | 0:58.22 | 122163 | 126534
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12 | 29:28.73 | 4:04.35 | 132673 | 151007
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18 | 48:48.20 | 3:04.63 | 219620 | 233482
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20 | 53:46.05 | 3:22.13 | 241955 | 257117
21 | 57:08.18 | 1:45.67 | 257118 | 265059
22 | 58:54.10 | 2:43.63 | 265060 | 277347
23 | 61:37.73 | 1:55.32 | 277348 | 286004
24 | 63:33.30 | 1:30.18 | 286005 | 292772
25 | 65:03.48 | 1:36.70 | 292773 | 300042
26 | 66:40.43 | 3:40.32 | 300043 | 316574
27 | 70:21.00 | 1:07.45 | 316575 | 321644
28 | 71:28.45 | 1:20.50 | 321645 | 327694
29 | 72:49.20 | 1:51.13 | 327695 | 336032

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename C:\EACRip\VARIOUS\Bach - Clavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach (a selection) (McGegan, Hunt, Bowles) (1991)\Bach - Clavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach (a selection) - Nicholas McGegan, Lorraine Hunt, David Bowles.wav

Peak level 46.6 %
Extraction speed 3.7 X
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Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [ED04917D] (AR v2)
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Track 28 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [A8B3C351] (AR v2)
Track 29 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [AF77DB2B] (AR v2)

All tracks accurately ripped

End of status report

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Submit result: already submitted
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Thanks to the original releaser