Piers Lane - Eugen d'Albert: Solo Piano Music (1997)

Posted By: Designol
Piers Lane - Eugen d'Albert: Solo Piano Music (1997)

Piers Lane - Eugen d'Albert: Solo Piano Music (1997)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue&Log) ~ 213 Mb | Mp3 (CBR320) ~ 184 Mb | Artwork included
Genre: Classical | Label: Hyperion | # CDA66945 | Time: 01:19:31

Here is a superb recital following Piers Lane’s earlier Hyperion release of d’Albert piano concertos (4/96) and, once again, provoking astonishment that music of such quality could have lain neglected for so long. Variety is, indeed, the spice of d’Albert (1864-1932), the legendary, six times married pianist so greatly admired by Liszt. Tending to leave his wives as soon as they bore him children (one for the Freudians), his occasional sense of confusion – including an outburst to Teresa Carreno, his second conquest, “Come quickly, my child and your child are fighting with our child” – hardly detracted from a dazzling career and a series of compositions of a special richness.

Brahms’s influence, particularly that of his Op. 76 Pieces, may dominate d’Albert’s Op. 5 yet in the tempest-tossed pages of No. 1, for example, his texture and syncopation are boldly individual. Again, the play of octaves and thirds in No. 5 may evoke Brahms’s D minor Piano Concerto yet the writing is sufficiently personal to form a tribute rather than commit an act of plagiarism. By way of diversion the storm clouds of No. 6 remind us of Rachmaninov’s inchoate whirl in his Op. 32 F minor Prelude but in No. 8 we return to Brahms’s early heroics as well as to a glowing and exultant lyricism. The enchanting Serenata, on the other hand, inhabits another world, one of piquant ‘guitar’ strokes and if the end is half-whimsical, half-Lisztian, the overall effect is like an extended Kreisler lollipop. But it is, perhaps, when you compare the very ambitious Sonata, with its triple fugue finale, and the Op. 32 miniatures that you fully realize the extent of d’Albert’s gifts. In Op. 32 the Sonata’s swashbuckling and, again, Brahmsian bravura give way to a pinpoint wit and delicacy, to the sad fate of an overly ambitious butterfly, a very French faux-naif waltz, more mischievous than ‘cosy’, a passing glance at America in “Missie-Missa” with its startling appearance of “In Dixieland I take my stand …” and finally a visit to a circus full of braying fanfares, jugglers and the spirit of adventure. The Op. 16 “Scherzo” may be more familiar (via famous recordings by Eileen Joyce on Pearl, 2/94, and Earl Wild on RCA, 2/70 – nla) but the “Intermezzo”, with its sly, side-stepping harmonies, provides another delightful surprise.

No praise could be high enough for Piers Lane whose playing throughout is of a superb musical intelligence, sensitivity and scintillating brilliance. Every intricacy is tossed aside with unfailing ease and yet the sheer quality, the commitment and affection of his enterprise are surely his greatest triumph. His long and informative accompanying essay is no less personally engaging and the recordings are of an ideal warmth and range. Eugen d’Albert was, indeed, “no end of a fellow” (Hans von Bulow) … and so is Piers Lane.'

Review by Bryce Morrison, Allmusic.com

If d’Albert’s music were more important, I would give this disc an ‘outstanding’ award, for Piers Lane surpasses himself and the recorded piano sound is delicious. Eugen d’Albert, born in Glasgow in 1864 of German and partly French parents, studied in London under Arthur Sullivan, then settled in Germany. He was one of the great pianists of his day, and like many of his contemporaries he composed as a matter of course. His Sonata is massively Brahmsian, almost like a transcription of organ music. Brahms again hovers over some of the Op. 5 pieces. Yet anyone who thought up titles like ‘Cosy Waltz’ and ‘Missie-Massa’ can’t have been without a sense of humour, and ‘The Circus is coming!’ makes a brilliant, pithy ending to a programme that has its longueurs, but also many pleasures.

Review by Adrian Jack, BBC Music Magazine

Piers Lane - Eugen d'Albert: Solo Piano Music (1997)

Piers Lane - Eugen d'Albert: Solo Piano Music (1997)


Eugen d'Albert (1864-1932)

Sonata in F sharp minor, Op.10
01. I. Massig, aber leidenschaftlich bewegt (9:14)
02. II. Langsam (9:08)
03. III. Einleitung und Fuge: Sehr breit (8:43)

from Klavierstücke, Op.16
04. No.2: Scherzo. Sehr lebhaft (4:32)
05. No.3: Intermezzo. Anmuthig bewegt (6:50)

Acht Klavierstücke, Op.5
06. Heft 1 - No.1 in C sharp minor: Sehr leidenschaftlich bewegt (3:49)
07. Heft 1 - No.2 in A major: Sehr ruhig und ausdruckvoll (3:39)
08. Heft 1 - No.3 in D minor: Bewegt (1:52)
09. Heft 1 - No.4 in B flat major: Anmuthig bewegt (3:25)
10. Heft 2 - No.5 in E flat major: Etwas langsam (4:40)
11. Heft 2 - No.6 in E flat minor: Leidenschaftlich (1:51)
12. Heft 2 - No.7 in A flat major: Mässig, doch nicht zu langsam (4:39)
13. Heft 2 - No.8 in C sharp minor: Belebt, doch nicht zu schnell (4:48)

14. Serenata (4:46)

Capriolen Op. 32
15. No.1: Falters Flammentod (1:42)
16. No.2: Kose-Walzer (1:17)
17. No.3: Rose im Schnee (1:39)
18. No.4: Missie-Massa (2:00)
19. No.5: Der Zirkus kommt! (0:58)

Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011

EAC extraction logfile from 11. February 2013, 13:01

Piers Lane / Eugen d'Albert - Solo Piano Music

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TOC of the extracted CD

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9 | 47:48.12 | 3:25.13 | 215112 | 230499
10 | 51:13.25 | 4:40.17 | 230500 | 251516
11 | 55:53.42 | 1:50.45 | 251517 | 259811
12 | 57:44.12 | 4:38.38 | 259812 | 280699
13 | 62:22.50 | 4:48.00 | 280700 | 302299
14 | 67:10.50 | 4:46.00 | 302300 | 323749
15 | 71:56.50 | 1:41.50 | 323750 | 331374
16 | 73:38.25 | 1:16.50 | 331375 | 337124
17 | 74:55.00 | 1:39.00 | 337125 | 344549
18 | 76:34.00 | 1:59.62 | 344550 | 353536
19 | 78:33.62 | 0:58.25 | 353537 | 357911

Range status and errors

Selected range

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Copy OK

No errors occurred

End of status report

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[CUETools log; Date: 03.11.2018 22:44:16; Version: 2.1.4]
Pregap length 00:01:00.
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foobar2000 1.2 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2018-11-03 23:01:17

Analyzed: Piers Lane / Eugen d'Albert - Solo Piano Music

DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR14 -1.01 dB -20.44 dB 9:14 01-Sonata in F sharp minor, Op.10 - I. Massig, aber leidenschaftlich bewegt
DR19 -0.41 dB -27.32 dB 9:08 02-Sonata in F sharp minor, Op.10 - II. Langsam
DR13 -0.41 dB -17.21 dB 8:43 03-Sonata in F sharp minor, Op.10 - III. Einleitung und Fuge: Sehr breit
DR14 -0.58 dB -19.49 dB 4:32 04-from Klavierstucke, Op.16 - No.2: Scherzo. Sehr lebhaft
DR18 -2.87 dB -26.36 dB 6:50 05-from Klavierstucke, Op.16 - No.3: Intermezzo. Anmuthig bewegt
DR13 -0.40 dB -17.16 dB 3:49 06-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 1 - No.1 in C sharp minor: Sehr leidenschaftl…
DR18 -2.82 dB -26.96 dB 3:39 07-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 1 - No.2 in A major: Sehr ruhig und ausdruckvoll
DR11 -5.30 dB -23.22 dB 1:52 08-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 1 - No.3 in D minor: Bewegt
DR16 -4.74 dB -25.78 dB 3:25 09-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 1 - No.4 in B flat major: Anmuthig bewegt
DR16 -4.36 dB -26.98 dB 4:40 10-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 2 - No.5 in E flat major: Etwas langsam
DR12 -0.95 dB -19.20 dB 1:51 11-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 2 - No.6 in E flat minor: Leidenschaftlich
DR17 -1.00 dB -27.15 dB 4:39 12-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 2 - No.7 in A flat major: Massig, doch nicht …
DR13 -0.41 dB -17.08 dB 4:48 13-Acht Klavierstucke, Op.5 - Heft 2 - No.8 in C sharp minor: Belebt, doch nicht…
DR16 -3.88 dB -25.24 dB 4:46 14-Serenata
DR15 -0.44 dB -26.14 dB 1:42 15-Capriolen, Op.32 - No.1: Falters Flammentod
DR13 -10.27 dB -28.87 dB 1:17 16-Capriolen, Op.32 - No.2: Kose-Walzer
DR14 -1.21 dB -21.90 dB 1:39 17-Capriolen, Op.32 - No.3: Rose im Schnee
DR15 -0.41 dB -22.80 dB 2:00 18-Capriolen, Op.32 - No.4: Missie-Massa
DR14 -0.49 dB -20.13 dB 0:58 19-Capriolen, Op.32 - No.5: Der Zirkus kommt!

Number of tracks: 19
Official DR value: DR15

Samplerate: 44100 Hz
Channels: 2
Bits per sample: 16
Bitrate: 371 kbps
Codec: FLAC

All thanks to original releaser

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