Van Stephenson - Suspicious Heart (1996)

Posted By: JET 1
Van Stephenson - Suspicious Heart (1996)

Van Stephenson - Suspicious Heart (1996)
EAC Rip | FLAC (Image) +CUE, LOG | 308 MB | Scans
Genre: Melodic Rock | Label: IRS / MCA Records | Catalog Number: HV-1004

"Suspicious Heart", VAN STEPHENSON's second album for MCA Records and his last as solo artist, is a must have in your collection too. Despite of being recorded with almost the same personnel from the previous, including Dann Huff / Alan Pasqua and Richard Landis producing, the album - released in 1986 - has a pretty different sound.
Actually, "Suspicious Heart" is pure '80s too, but less 'rocking' than its predecessor and more AOR according to times. It's more 'elegant' I'd say. Smooth, delicate tunes like "We're Doing Alright", the dreamy "(We Should Be) Together Tonight", the atmospheric title track or the ballad "Never Enough Night" are among the best AOR produced in the mid-Eighties.
But don't be fooled, the second half of the disc features uptempo Melodic Rock gems such as "Fist Full Of Heat" driven by Dann Huff impressive riffs and Pasqua stabbing synths, while the fun rockers "Make It Glamorous" (The Wild Life OST) and "No Secrets" (Secret Admirer OST) end the LP on uptempo form. Sumptuous, at places more energetic, but always refined, "Suspicious Heart" is a great record made by great musicians. Yes, another essential piece in your collection.

Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009

EAC report on the extraction performed on March 18, 2011, 17:23

Van Stephenson/Suspicious Heart

Drive: _NEC DV-5800E Adapter: 4 ID: 1

Read Mode : Confidence Accurate
Stream Use : Yes
Disable Audio Cache : Yes
Use C2 Pointers : No

Read offset correction : 6
Ability to read Lead-in and Lead-out areas : No
Fill in missing samples with silence : Yes
Remove blocks with silence at the beginning and end : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Interface : Installed external ASPI interface

Output Format : Custom Encoder
Selected Bitrate : 896 kBit/s
Quality : High
ID3 Tag Incorporation : No
Compression Utility : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional Options : -6 -V -T "ARTIST =%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=% e" %s -o %d

TOC of ejected CD

Track | Start | Duration | Initial sector | End Sector
–––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––-
1 | 0:00.00 | 3:49.60 | 0 | 172342
| 3:49.60 | 03:46.30 | 17235 | 34214
3 | 07:36.15 | 5:08.20 | 34215 | 573344
| 12:44.35 | 4:28.35 | 57335 | 77469
5 | 17:12.70 | 3:59.20 | 77470 | 954146
| 21:12.15 | 4:23.40 | 95415 | 1151797
| 25:35.55 | 3:52.70 | 115180 | 1326498
| 29:28.50 | 4:44.20 | 132650 | 153969
9 | 34:12.70 | 03:41.45 | 153970 | 170589
10 | 37:54.40 | 3:45.65 | 170590 | 187529

Extract Range Characteristics and Error Messages

Selected Range

Filename C:\Users\Vladimir\Documents\Van Stephenson - Suspicious Heart.wav

Peak level 100.0%
Range quality 100.0%
Copy CRC E248C9B5
Copy… OK

No errors happened

AccurateRip Summary

Track 1 not in the database
Track 2 not in the database
Track 3 not in the database
Track 4 not in the database
Track 5 not in the database
Track 6 not in the database
Track 7 not in the database
Track 8 not in the database
Track 9 not in database
Track 10 not in database

There are no tracks in the AccurateRip database

End of report

Tracklist :::
01 - We're Doing Alright
02 - (We Should Be) Together Tonight
03 - Suspicious Heart
04 - Never Enough Night
05 - Confidentially Yours
06 - Desperate Hours
07 - Dancing With Danger
08 - Fist Full Of Heat
09 - Make It Glamourous
10 - No Secrets

Personnel :::
Van Stephenson - vocals
Mike Baird - drums
Dennis Belfield - bass
Dann Huff - guitars
Alan Pasqua - keyboards, synthesizers
Michael Fisher - percussion
Richard Landis - percussion, keyboards, producer
Mike Landau, Waddy Wachtel, Stan Lasiter - add. guitars
Craig Krampf, Mark Hammond - add. drums
Michael Rhodes - add. bass
Richard Gibbs, Reed Nielsen, Dave Innis - add. keyboards
Tom Kelly, Tommy Funderburk - backing vocals