Missler TopSolid 2019 version 7.13 with Textures Library

Posted By: scutter

Missler TopSolid 2019 version 7.13 with Textures Library | 13.4 Gb

Missler Software has announced the launch of TopSolid 2018 version 7.13, New updated version offers huge innovations on the CAD/CAM market by simplifying the design and modification of large assemblies in an organised and structured environment.

What's new TopSolid 2019 version 7.13:

Throughout this document, you will discover the top enhancements and learn about the new features and benefits of the latest 2019 release of TopSolid 7. The innovations described here only represent a small portion of all new functionalities.


About TopSolid 7. Missler Software launched TopSolid 7, the 7th generation of its CAD/CAM solution in October 2009. At the time the French software developer spoke of the necessity for any software developer to rethink and create new software solutions so that its customers can avail of the most-up-to date technology to answer increasingly complex production needs.

TopSolid 7 integrates computer-aided design and manufacturing, finite element analysis, product data management, and enterprise resource planning in a single software solution, which allows engineering and production departments to communicate and work together in a controlled and secure environment. This helps eliminate the risk of potential errors because design and machining data are compatible and are managed and monitored transparently.

TopSolid 7 uses multicore technology so the virtual design of assemblies made up of several thousand parts is now possible with acceptable response times.

TopSolid version 6 will continue to be developed and supported over the coming years. The migration and compatibility between the two generations of TopSolid is guaranteed, but TopSolid 7 does not yet offer the industry solutions or CAM capabilities of its predecessor.

About Missler Software. Missler Software is a leading global developer and supplier of CAD, CAM and ERP solutions. The company provides an integrated software solution for product design, manufacturing and data management. The company’s product lines are TopSolid and GOelan. Missler Software offers a uniquely integrated solution for the mechanical engineering industry (general mechanical design, special machinery, tooling, boilerwork …) and for sheet metal and wood industries.

Product: Missler TopSolid
Version: 2019 version 7.13 2DVD
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.topsolid.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even SP1 or newer / Server 2012 (R2) or Server 2008 R2 SP1 (SP2)
Size: 13.4 Gb
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