NCG CAM v16.0.1 (x64) ISO

Posted By: Dizel_

NCG CAM v16.0.1 (x64) ISO | 355 Mb

NCG CAM is a easy to use standalone CAM system for the shop floor. The toolroom machinists perfect partner. Reliable iges reader makes it a perfect match for any CAD or design system. Multi threaded for performance, saving time and money.

NCG CAM is a stand-alone HSM CAM system that integrates with existing CAD and CAM systems including Pro/ENGINEER, Creo, IRONCAD and SOLIDWORKS.

NCG CAM boasts many innovative features including automatic 3D roughing. This is suitable for all types of forms, creating an optimised and smooth cutter motion for HSM machining, while helping to extend tool life, minimising wear on the machine tool and producing parts with excellent surface finish.

Main features
- Automatic 3D Roughing
- Z-Level Waterline Machining Using Surface Contact Angles
- Raster (Planar) Pass Machining Using Surface Contact Angles
- Spiral and Radial Machining
- Horizontal Area Machining of Flat Surfaces Only
- Pencil and Parallel Pencil milling
- Morph and Boundary Machining
- Automatic Rest Machining
- 3D Constant Offset and Corner Offset Machining
- Core Roughing
- Adaptive Area Clearance Machining
- Perpendicular Raster Machining
- Variable Feed Rate Control
- Advanced Drilling Routines
- 3 + 2 Axis Machining
- Stock Models
- Customisable tool holders
- Fully gouge protected toolpaths
- Simultaneous 5-axis add-on module for mould & die work
- Machine simulation module for 3-axis and 5-axis


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