Password Repository 4.0

Posted By: tnt-reloaded

Password Repository 4.0 | macOS | 11 mb

Password Repository 4.0, rock solid native password manager for macOS and iOS.
It’s document based, allowing you to create unlimited documents with different set of passwords. Any document you create is protected by a 'Master Password' via AES-256 encryption algorithm.

It’s compatible with the similar version for iOS on iTunes and any document created with Password Repository 4 on a Mac, can be transferred via iTunes and used on iOS without any changes
A Password Repository document has a simple layout and is based on a 'Master and Detail' interface, with a list of records on the left and a detail of the selected record on the right.
The master table is customizable as you need
Passwords can be organized in categories with a name and a unique color for better handling of your data.

For any record you can insert at any time:
- Category
- Name
- Url
- Account Name
- User ID
- Password
- Security question and answer
- Email
- Note (a free text area)
All data are encrypted when saved on disk

Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit