Traction Software PDF Content Split SA 3.17 Portable

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Traction Software PDF Content Split SA 3.17 Portable

Traction Software PDF Content Split SA 3.17 Portable | 15 MB

PDF Content Split SA (Stand Alone version) can split on text information within the PDF, This is an ideal product if you had for example a PDF statement that needed splitting up on account number, PDF Content Split SA would do this with ease by searching for words within the pdf, marking start and end ranges and then automatically splitting the document up for you.

Many options are available: Content Splitting, Run on the command line, Take words within the pdf as output filenames, Search for text, Extract until text, Extract on unique text, Co-ordinate matching, appending option if previously matched which is used for repeated segments, optional emailing of split pdf files based on email address within pdf with text or html message + many more options.

Main Features
1. Supports Windows XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 2012, Windows 7, 8 / 8.1, 10
2. Stand Alone version (SA) (Does NOT require Adobe Acrobat)
3. Generates multiple pdf's from a single pdf by splitting on textual content
4. splits on words or until words by using word searches
5. Appends split files if previously matched option
6. Email feature for emailing split files based on email address within pdf
7. Optionally run on the command line for automation
8. Optionally run from the web with ASP, PHP, .NET languages
9. Automatically saves settings for later use.
10. Supports all pdf types except encrypted. does support password to open pdf's.
11. Installer
12. Full HTML & PDF Help.

Operating System: Windows XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 2012, 2016, Windows 7, 8 / 8.1, 10

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