inSSider Office Enterprise

Posted By: Bolaxv
inSSider Office Enterprise

inSSider Office Enterprise | 9.7 MB

inSSIDer Office sheds light on the most common WiFi problems—interference from neighboring networks, poor router placement, inadequate coverage, faulty network configurations, and dropped connections—and provides the insights you need to maintain a reliable WiFi network.

Avoid WiFi Interference from Neighboring Networks
Selecting the right channel for your WiFi network is easy with inSSIDer Office. Scan the wireless environment, select your WiFi network, and inSSIDer Office recommends the best WiFi channel for you. It’s also quick and easy to perform a routine spot check to ensure optimal channel selection and minimize or eliminate interference from neighboring networks.

Verify WiFi Coverage Across the Network
From choosing the location for your router to ensuring your network serves its users, it’s critical to regularly measure signal strength (RSSI) across your coverage area. inSSIDer Office displays your network’s signal strength over time so you can minimize problems with dropped connections or roaming issues when moving from one place to another.

Identify Configuration Issues
Properly configuring a WiFi network is more than plugging in the router and hoping for fast, reliable WiFi. inSSIDer Office analyzes your network and recommends configuration optimizations based on real data, allowing you to pick the right channel, disable legacy data rates, and identify security issues to maximize the speed and efficiency of your small network.

View Wireless Interference with Wi-Spy
Non-WiFi devices like wireless video cameras, Bluetooth speakers, and cordless phones interfere with WiFi, but basic WiFi scanners can’t see them. The Wi-Spy spectrum analyzer allows you to see non-WiFi interference in inSSIDer Office, giving you a full picture of your WiFi environment.

System Requirements:
Microsoft® Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10
- SCREEN RESOLUTION: 800x600 (1366x768 or better recommended)
- RAM: 2GB
- WIFI RADIO: Internal or USB WiFi Adapter (802.11n/ac recommended)

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